Book Review : Eleanor & Park By Rainbow Rowell

Buy Eleanor & Park Here:

I think most people will agree with me when I say during our teenage years when it comes to reading, we like something we can relate to. Being 18 (soon to be 19 in that went quick I feel like I haven't done anything significant whilst being 18 and a legal adult) I can pretty much say that my teenage years are coming to an end and I'm slowly entering adulthood. Looking back I would say I have had all the typical teenage dramas that most have from falling out with friends, finding new friends, getting my first job and being more independent than ever before. However having experienced all those things I feel like I have to be honest I have never experienced the relationship rollercoaster that some of my friends and others have had during there teenage life. But I don't see it as a disadvantage because I'm still young and right now my main focus is my job and my education, also I think its safe to add having anxiety and depression meant I avoided away from being confident and putting myself out there for the opposite sex!

Living with a Mental Illness : Part 1 Anxiety

Image: Taken by myself @Brick Lane 

Disclaimer: By no means am I talking about all those who suffer from anxiety  because every individual with this mental illness has there own story to tell. This is my own personal experience of dealing with a mental illness and how I cope with it. Whether you choose to take my coping mechanisms on board is your own personal decesion  I hope you enjoy this post it is something which I have wanted to share with other individuals for some time now.


Like all new blogs I have to start with a welcome post to introduce myself, the reasons why I have chosen to blog and blah blah blah.

Rianna (R)

The story of RC begins like this. The R represents me (Rianna) I am currently 19 years old living in London, I am approaching the end of my a-levels (whoop whoop) and the beginning of my gap year. I am not living an exciting life by all means but I am happy I must say. After a a rocky time at secondary school and be diagnosed with anxiety and depression I found myself to be lost and very lonely in my thoughts, I became antisocial and just sad for five years which was not nice at all but I am glad it happened. At this point C (Charlotte my best friend) was going through teenage life herself at this point we did not know each other but I suppose you can say we experienced similar emotions and experiences.