Book Review : Eleanor & Park By Rainbow Rowell

Buy Eleanor & Park Here:

I think most people will agree with me when I say during our teenage years when it comes to reading, we like something we can relate to. Being 18 (soon to be 19 in that went quick I feel like I haven't done anything significant whilst being 18 and a legal adult) I can pretty much say that my teenage years are coming to an end and I'm slowly entering adulthood. Looking back I would say I have had all the typical teenage dramas that most have from falling out with friends, finding new friends, getting my first job and being more independent than ever before. However having experienced all those things I feel like I have to be honest I have never experienced the relationship rollercoaster that some of my friends and others have had during there teenage life. But I don't see it as a disadvantage because I'm still young and right now my main focus is my job and my education, also I think its safe to add having anxiety and depression meant I avoided away from being confident and putting myself out there for the opposite sex!

Anyway enough about me onto Eleanor and Park. I put my hands up and admit that I am not a big reader....well I'm trying to get back into reading but for the last couple of years I haven't read anything from start to finish off my own accord unless it has been for my English course at college, compared to in the past when I was around the age of 9-13 where you would find my Waterstones every weekend. Recently on my way to work I was killing time and just happened to walk into Waterstones and decided I needed a good book to read to both pass the time on the tube (which I take everyday) and keep me occupied when I have nothing to do. I was immediately drawn to Eleanor and Park because of the big bright yellow cover (soz I would of taken a picture of the book but the lighting is really rubbish today agh English weather is just a pain!!!!!) and by the positive feedback that had been given by one of my favourite authors John Green ( I was a mess after finishing the fault in our stars *insert crying emoji*).

In a nut shell....I am the worst at giving a summary but here goes nothing. Eleanor is the new girl in town along with the rest of her family and her step-dad Richie. Not your stereotypical teen, Eleanor has big read hair, clothes which are to big for her and she basically sticks out like a sore thumb ( I think thats the expression). Park the boy who sits at the back of the bus, trying to hide away from the crowd and "keep it on the down low" as the young generation would say. However after demanding Eleanor to sit next to him because she is holding up the bus these two characters get to know one another a little more everyday and eventually fall in love like we all do , when we fall in love for the first time and suddenly nothing else matters apart from being with that one person.

I don't want to put you off I promise you this is no fairytale book (but I wish it had been) because Rowell manages to draw on many issues that young people face today, making the book both engaging and not wanting to put it down. As well as Eleanor standing out from the crowd in her new town and experiencing bullying from her peers through the majority of the book, Rowell is able to bring in other serious issues into the story such as domestic violence (with Eleanor mother being in abusive relationship), gender identity through parks character as well as the main theme of being young and falling in love for the first time.

I don't want to give away the whole book I will leave you to read it but I must say Eleanor and Park has to be one of the best books that I have read. I was sad when it was over and also very frustrated like others readers where on how the book ended ( I won't tell you how it ends but lets just say the Rowell lets you create your own ending for Eleanor and Park which I am still trying to do..ahhh Rowell could you not of just ended it for me I need some closure). I related to Eleanor character in many ways experiencing some of the issues which she went through which is what I look for in any book I am going to read. I hands down give this book a 10/10, I wish there was a second book but I agree with Rowell decision on not to write a second as she does not want to disappoint any of her readers. However I am excited for the future as there has been talk to make this book into a movie which would be AMAZING !!!!

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday. Currently: Trying not procrastinate and actually get on with some revision!

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