
Like all new blogs I have to start with a welcome post to introduce myself, the reasons why I have chosen to blog and blah blah blah.

Rianna (R)

The story of RC begins like this. The R represents me (Rianna) I am currently 19 years old living in London, I am approaching the end of my a-levels (whoop whoop) and the beginning of my gap year. I am not living an exciting life by all means but I am happy I must say. After a a rocky time at secondary school and be diagnosed with anxiety and depression I found myself to be lost and very lonely in my thoughts, I became antisocial and just sad for five years which was not nice at all but I am glad it happened. At this point C (Charlotte my best friend) was going through teenage life herself at this point we did not know each other but I suppose you can say we experienced similar emotions and experiences.

Charlotte (C)

Then I began college at age 17 it was a big decision for me to leave secondary school however I knew I would be doing myself more harm than good by going to a place which I hated. Long story short I started six form college with major anxiety. I didn't know anyone and due to past experiences i thought everyone can sense my fear of being there which didn't help. Time went on and after the Christmas holidays I meet Charlotte. Since meeting her my life has changed for the better. I am thankful everyday that I have this amazing girl in my life who I can call my best friend. We clicked instantly and a year and half and she is now basically a sister to me. She helped me grow as a person, her love and support gave me hope for the future that she will always be there and things will be ok which is hard for someone with depression to accept (that things are only going to get worse and you will forever be alone 
The arrow 

Now we come to the arrow which is another reason I wanted to start blogging but also made me appreciate (C) and what she has done for me. Quick version of the dream goes like this, The two initial lines represents myself and Charlotte living our separate lives and the point that joins us together represents when we met. If it wasn't for meeting Charlotte I would of never reached this point I might of got close or continued my own line (meaning just one line which is me). Now that I finished college the place where I met Charlotte I feel like its the perfect opportunity in my gap year to start blogging alongside full time work and share my teenage experiences and how I got through it how I continue to get through it , advice as well as share things that I am getting up to in day to day life.

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